important nutrients dairy protein

Important Nutrients Found in Dairy Protein

Nutrition is such an important concept to so many people today and there are a number of sources quality nutrients can come from. As your options continue to increase here, though, it’s important not to forget about one of the single most beneficial providers of nutrients: dairy proteins.  At Idaho Milk Products, we’re proud to…

milk proteins support immune system

How Milk Proteins Support the Immune System

While many only know dairy products for their taste and typical enjoyment, the reality is that many of the ingredients in common dairy materials are highly beneficial to our overall health. One great example where research is showing us new positives with each passing year is the benefits to the immune system that tend to…

Proteins and Minerals Fit for an Olympian

Faster, higher and stronger — the athletes and the nutrients they use to fuel their bodies need to be just that. These highly sought-after nutrients come in the form of proteins and minerals. Why do athletes, like the Olympians, professionals and amateurs we root for need all the protein and minerals they can get? Two…

doctor showing findings to a patient

Developing Dairy Foods with Immunity Boosting Properties

Now more than ever, the general public exhibits a considerable interest in “health food” products and other consumable items that claim to support the development of a healthier body. In today’s climate, many consumers also search for products that may have “immune-boosting” attributes, which they believe may contribute to avoiding illnesses such as the common…

drinking after working out

Milk Protein for Metabolic Health

Can the consumption of milk protein play an important role in fighting back against health issues such as diabetes and obesity? Disorders of the metabolism, from the inability to combat high levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia) to excess fat deposition, are the precursors to many more serious health effects. According to a study published in…

types of protein powders

The Types of Protein Powders and Their Benefits

Of all the nutrients we require to sustain a healthy body, few are as fundamentally important as the protein we consume. Commonly found in foodstuffs such as meat, legumes, eggs, and dairy products, protein provides the body with the essential tools it needs to accomplish many tasks. Protein helps with everything from making your hair…