How do MPC and WPC compare in yogurt applications?

Prior to the introduction of MPC, WPC was commonly used throughout the yogurt industry as the functional protein ingredient to increase yogurt gel strength and decrease gel syneresis (wheying off). A number of dairy industry studies throughout the years have found an increase in yogurt gel strength and a decrease in syneresis in WPC-fortified yogurts…

Replacing Caseinates with MPC/MPI in Cheese

IdaPro MPC/MPI is best used in processed cheese or analog cheese applications to replace caseinates. MPC/MPI can only be used to replace a percentage of rennet casein in those applications before changes in product texture or melt properties become significant. Almost every manufacturer should be able to replace one-third of their rennet casein requirement with…

Why do we measure glutamic acid and not L-glutamine?

By the method used to run an amino acid assay, the amide group on glutamine is sheared off during the breaking of peptide bonds, changing the glutamine into glutamic acid. They are not the same thing…but by an amino acid assay, glutamine always shows up as glutamic acid. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help that the body…

Idaho Product Testing Schedule

Idaho Milk Products finished MPC is tested on the following schedule for the following items: Test Item Frequency Pesticide and Herbicide Residue semi-annual Heavy Metals semi-annual Dioxins semi-annual Radioactivity semi-annual Melamine and Cyanuric Acid semi-annual

Are additives used when producing MPI-85 Low Lactose?

Yes. Cold filtration manufacture of IdaPro MPI-85% results in a product with approximately 3.6% lactose. To deliver a product with less than 1% lactose, we utilize a very small amount of lactase enzyme which reduces the disaccharide lactose to its component sugars of glucose and galactose, resulting in a product with a typical analysis of…

A versatile alternative to Skim Milk Powder

First, it is necessary to understand that high heat NFDM is only required for use in some baking applications…not all baking applications. In certain baking applications, high heat treated milk powder is required because whey proteins, in low heat-treated powders, that denature during the baking process will interfere with desired final properties of the baked…

What is the glutamine content of MPC?

Since MPC and MPI are made up of Casein and Whey Proteins, we can look at the glutamine content of each protein to get an idea of the glutamine content of the respective product. Whey protein is reputed to contain roughly 7% to 8% glutamine (per 100 grams of amino acids). Casein has a slightly…

Enhancing Products with IdaPro

You will probably find that IdaPro MPC/MPI delivers a better flavor and more soluble mouthfeel than other MPC/MPI powders. For example, manufacturers of high protein Ready to Drink products have found that they can decrease added flavoring levels and decrease stabilizing salt levels when they use IdaPro MPC/MPI powders compared to other MPC/MPI sources. They…

Does MPC/MPI powder change with age?

Yes. All high protein powders experience degrading chemical reactions as they age. When MPC/MPI powder ages, reactions such as residual fat hydrolysis, loss of solubility, and Maillard browning will continually progress. These chemical reactions are fueled by the concentration of the milk proteins in close proximity with milk minerals and remaining sugar as well as…

Solubility and Suspension Stability

It is possible to have a protein powder that is highly soluble but displays poor suspension stability. Conversely, it is also possible to encounter a protein powder with good suspension stability and relatively low solubility. Suspension stability is really a measure of how well the powder stays suspended in water after it is dispersed into…