What are uses for Milk Permeate Powder (MPP)?

Milk Permeate Powder (MPP) is a readily available food ingredient that can provide useful, cost effective solutions to meet today’s food formulations trends. MPP is an economical way to provide dairy flavor to many food systems. It can provide flavor enhancement, improve texture, cost savings, and browning for low sodium and other food applications. Popular…

Maillard Browning in Milk Permeate Powders

It is well known that WPP will undergo Maillard Browning over storage time. This is because WPP contains the milk sugar, lactose, which is a well-known reducing sugar, along with free amino acids and short length, hydrolyzed protein peptides. In the manufacture of cheese, protein hydrolysis occurs, leaving a remnant of free amino acids and…

The Science of Milk Permeate & Lactose Crystals

Milk Permeate contains primarily alpha-monohydrate lactose crystals that have a characteristic tomahawk-like shape. These crystals are very hard and brittle. Milk permeate also contains all the mother liquor which is typically separated out of refined lactose. This mother liquor is made up of denatured casein and smaller whey proteins, vitamins, and minerals. In its crystalline…