Is Milk Protein Concentrate (MPC) vegan?

As it is derived from milk, MPC is not vegan. However, dairy products are considered vegetarian. A vegan avoids all animal products, including eggs and dairy, while vegetarians tend to consume dairy products and eggs. Vegetarianism is usually a diet, while veganism is a lifestyle.

How does heat stability compare in MPC/MPI vs WPC/WPI?

WPC is much less heat stable than MPC. When WPC is heated under ultra-high temperatures or retort conditions, the native whey unfolds and aggregates, causing gelling. Whey proteins also denature and lose solubility when exposed to ultra-high temperatures. As a result, WPCs cannot be used in large amounts in applications where a high heat step…

MPC/MPI and WPC/WPI flavor differences

MPCs/MPIs have a clean, light, milky flavor compared to WPCs/WPIs. As WPC/WPIs are a byproduct of cheese production, they can have various off-flavors due to processing such as sourness, bitterness, and broth-like. These off-flavors result from high usage levels of sodium, potassium, and chlorine. Whey proteins may also bind volatile flavor compounds during processing. In…

MPC and WPC vs. Ready-to-Drink applications

For purposes of this discussion, ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages will refer to that group of protein-fortified beverages that are shelf stable, i.e., do not require refrigeration for storage and transportation. RTD beverages all have one thing in common no matter how they have been processed. Microbiological assays on RTD beverages yield values of zero or none…