How does MPC eliminate acid whey waste?

High-protein or Greek-style yogurt made with MPC eliminates acid whey waste by straining skim milk solids before making yogurt and eliminating the need for a second straining step that generates acid whey after the yogurt is manufactured. When used at the optimal levels, the water binding properties and flavor attributes of MPC result in creamy,…

What is Acid Whey?

Acid whey is a byproduct of making acid types of dairy products including high-protein or Greek-style yogurts made with a centrifuge method. In order to concentrate the yogurt, the whey is “strained” off. While acid whey can be used in limited quantities in many applications including animal feed and fertilizer, the quantity produced by many…

Yogurt Flavor: WPC vs. MPC

We can definitely say that MPC will contribute to a more realistic milky and yogurt flavor than will WPC. Whey proteins are not primary to yogurt…in authentic, old fashioned 3.2% protein yogurt without stabilizers, the whey proteins are present only at a level of 0.58% while casein is present in the yogurt at a level…

What ratio of MPC and WPC is best for Greek-style yogurt?

It depends entirely on the desired yogurt protein content. We would recommend: 6.4% Protein Greek-style yogurt: 3.2% protein from the yogurt milk, 3.2% protein from MPC or an MPC/WPC blend. 100% MPC or a 90% MPC/10% WPC blend. 7.0% Protein Greek-style yogurt: 3.2% protein from the yogurt milk, 3.0% milk protein from MPC, and 0.8%…

Limits of adding MPC to Greek Yogurt

Some practical yogurt industry work has shown that, in combination with proper stabilizers, MPC can be used to fortify 3.2% protein milk up to about 6.4% protein yogurt milk without a corresponding loss of gel smoothness. At fortification levels above 6.4%, resultant yogurt gels start to become grainy in texture, losing the smooth mouthfeel that…

Is there a limit to how much MPC can be added to yogurt?

Yes. When MPC is utilized at higher levels in yogurt formulas, the casein starts to impart a gritty, grainy texture to the yogurt gel. This is not a significant problem with regular yogurts here in the USA or in Europe, as it is highly unlikely that a manufacturer would add MPC to their yogurt milk…

Is MPC a good ingredient for Greek yogurt?

MPC is a valuable functional ingredient in Greek-style yogurt. The lowest protein content of the Greek yogurts for sale in the USA are 2 times regular yogurt protein content. If we look at regular yogurt as 3.2% protein, then Greek- style yogurts would have protein contents of 6.4% and up. If one wants to manufacture…

Is MPC a functional ingredient for use in yogurt?

Yes. MPC is an excellent functional yogurt ingredient. MPC, having the same protein ratios as the milk from which yogurt is made, will not change the expected yogurt gel texture. It imparts the standard casein polymer gel that natural yogurt displays and not the starchy, gummy, custardy, pudding gel that many over-stabilized yogurts today exhibit.…

Adding too much Whey Protein to yogurt

There are two primary problems: When whey proteins heat denature, disulfide cross bridging between molecules occurs and, with extreme heat, a release of sulfur also occurs. The yogurt pasteurizing step of 195° F for 8 to 10 minutes is extreme and can promote a release of sulfur. The released sulfur has been shown to interfere…

Does WPC bind water as well as MPC?

No. Anyone who has seen 10% solids WPC dispersions knows that they’re water thin. So, yogurt manufacturers heat denature the added whey protein along with the whey proteins that are present in the yogurt milk. Heat denatured whey proteins bind significantly more water than do undenatured whey proteins. Heat denatured whey proteins do not, however,…